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My thoughts on LDS General Conference: "He that will hear my voice shall be my sheep"

Six months ago I penned a blog post where I shared my thoughts on how President Russell M. Nelson, then president of the Quorum of the Twelve, exemplified the day of miracles had not ceased as he rushed from the Conference Center to the hospital to be by the side of Elder Robert D. Hales of the Quorum of the Twelve moments before he passed away.

Today I return to my blog to say President Nelson proves the heavens are open and Christ continues to guide His church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

"He that will hear my voice shall be my sheep"
 "Come Follow Me" by Scott Sumner Fine Art
“We have made the decision to retire ‘home teaching’ and ‘visiting teaching’ as we have known them," President Nelson said today from the Conference Center pulpit. "Instead, we will implement a newer, holier approach to caring and ministering to others. We will refer to these efforts simply as ‘ministering.’"

Shortly after this announcement, which has been in the works for "a period of years," I went to Mormon Newsroom to discover more about this announcement and found this painting to accompany the article.

Doesn't the painting look like it could have been captured today? The grass is just starting to turn green; the buds are growing on the trees; and the sky hasn't reached it's summer blue.

As I pondered that I realized that this announcement came from Christ Himself. He is standing in the field beckoning to us as our Good Shepherd and President Nelson is acting as His mouthpiece.

So I have to pause and ask myself, am I hearing the voice of the Shepherd?

Do I realize the magnitude of the change that happened?

Here are just some of the words spoken about the change today:
  • "A new chapter in the history of the church" –President Nelson
  • "For months, we have been seeking a better way to minister to the spiritual and temporal needs of our people in the Savior’s way..." –President Nelson
  • "With these adjustments we want more care and concern, not less." –Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve
  • “We have a heaven-sent opportunity to demonstrate pure religion undefiled before God." –Elder Holland
  • "I warn you, a new name, new flexibility, and fewer reports will not make one ounce of difference in our service unless we see this as an invitation to care for one another in a bold new holier way." –Elder Holland
  • "Miracles will happen, and we will find ways to bring our 'missing' sisters and brothers into the all-inclusive embrace of the gospel of Jesus Christ." –Sister Jean B. Bingham, Relief Society general president
Home and visiting teaching may be retired, but reaching out to others in the Savior's way has been magnified. I hope I can hear the Savior's voice in this call and be numbered among His sheep. 

"Behold, I will hasten my work in its time."
This weekend I saw the Lord's hand accelerating His work and I feel my mortal mind only grasps a mere fraction of the bigger picture. I  wanted to share my thoughts on the announcements.
  • Solemn Assembly
    • This is an event that has only happened 15 times previously in the history of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (solemn assemblies weren't held for Joseph Smith or Brigham Young). As President Eyring said, "This is an occasion of great significance for members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints throughout the world." 
    • Prior to the conference I had already received a personal witness that President Russell M. Nelson was called to be the prophet at this time. I felt joy as I had the opportunity to sustain him at this sacred occasion. 
  • Diversity in the General Authorities
    • I was a witness to history as the first Asian American (Elder Gerrit W. Gong) and Latin American (Elder Ulisses Soares) Apostles received their calls.
    • The LDS Church which began in Fayette, New York, continues to grow as a worldwide church. President Dallin H. Oaks, first counselor in the First Presidency, noted that of the 116 General Authorities, nearly 40% were born outside of the United States. 
    • And we aren't just talking one country. President Oaks noted 28 countries where they were born: Germany, Brazil, Mexico, New Zealand, Scotland, Canada, South Korea, Guatemala, Argentina, Italy, Zimbabwe, Uruguay, Peru, South Africa, American Samoa, England, Puerto Rico, Australia, Venezuela, Guyana, Philippines, Portugal, Fiji, China, Japan, Chile, Colombia and France. 
  • Church Membership Passes 16 Million
    • The statistical report noted that by the end of 2017, Church membership was at 16,118,169 members. At the end of the year I was born Church membership was at 8,406,895. The church has nearly doubled in size during my lifetime.
  • Melchizidek Priesthood Changes
    • This morning I congratulated my 88-year-old grandfather on returning to Elders Quorum. We laughed, but I truly am excited about the change, especially echoing Sister Bingham's sentiment that the harmony that will now exist between Relief Society and Elders Quorum “will bring a unity that can yield astonishing results.”
  • Seven New Temples
    • I absolutely loved the excitement in the Conference Center, both from the audience and from President Nelson, as he announced seven new temples. There are now 189 announced temples and the Church has been restored for 188 years. 
    • Some things I find really cool about the locations:
      • Salta, Argentina: Right now the closest temple to these members is the Cordoba Argentina temple, a 10 hour drive. This will be the third temple in Argentina. 
      • Bengaluru, India: This is the first temple in the nearly 80% Hindu country. Right now going to the closest temple requires a 6 hour flight to Hong Kong China. I also find it significant that President Oaks dedicated the first stake in India in 2012, just six years ago! 
      • A major city yet to be determined in Russia: Russia will also receive its first temple. President Nelson dedicated the first stake in Russia in 2011, just seven years ago! 
      • Managua, Nicaragua: This is also the first temple in Nicaragua. In order to attend the temple, saints here either travel to the San Jose Costa Rica Temple (6 hour drive), the Tegucigalpa Honduras Temple (6 hour drive), or the San Salvador El Salvador Temple (9 hour drive). 
      • Cagayan de Oro, Philippines: With this being the fifth temple announced in the Philippines, the country now ties with Australia for country with the fifth-most temples. Ahead of Australia and the Philippines are:
        1. United States (85)
        2. Mexico (13)
        3. Brazil (10)
        4. Canada (9)
      • Richmond, Virginia: My mom reminded me today that a few years ago I predicted there would be a temple in Richmond, Virgina. I was just a few years too early. Now 37 of 50 states have temples. (States without temples: Arkansas, Delaware, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Mississippi, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Vermont, West Virginia, Wisconsin) 
      • Layton, Utah: The announcement of the 19th temple in Utah reminds me of the importance of appreciating the convenience I often take for granted of having a temple so near. I need to take fully to heart the charge of President Nelson with which I will end my post: "My dear brothers and sisters, construction of these temples may not change your life, but your time in the temple surely will. In that spirit, I bless you to identify those things you can set aside so you can spend more time in the temple." 


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